

What is halakhah (“Jewish law”?)

Why do Jews observe halakhah?

What makes Judaism “Jewish?” The oral law

Levels of Jewish law

Rabbinic legislation: takkanot and gezeirot

Sephardic and Mizrachi views of Halakhah


Methodology of halakhah

Levels of Jewish law

Rabbinic legislation: takkanot and gezeirot

Thou Shall Not Forbid: The nature of Jewish law, by Haim Ovadia

Should we follow the Shulkhan Arukh as authoritative?

Uprooting a law from the Torah or Talmud

Article from the Encyclopedia Judaica



We have many articles on kashrut here.



Our articles on Shabbat are here.

Conservative Shabbat driving teshuvah reexamined

Recreational sports and exercise on Shabbat



Our articles on holidays are here.




Role of non-Jews in the synagogue

Building alliances based on mutual respect


Interfaith relations

Interfaith prayer services


Lifecycle, conversion, personal status

Conversion to Judaism

Can you get an online conversion to Judaism?

Mikveh Can Solve Conversion Problem

Simchat Bat, welcoming daughters

Marriage and intermarriage

Environmental sustainability at Bat and Bar Mitzvahs

Mamzer (“bastardry”)

Mourning and bereavement in Judaism


Halakhah and Ethics

Ethics – Jewish views

Does Jewish Tradition Recognize an Ethic Independent of Halakha

Morality, Halakha and the Jewish Tradition

Jewish business and economic ethics

external links

Ritual without ethics is idolatry


Tefila (Jewish prayer)


Modesty in dress and speech

Modesty, tzniut



Kol Isha: A Woman’s Voice

Women as rabbis

Women and prayer: an attempt to dispel some fallacies

Women in a minyan

The truth about agunot and annulment in Jewish law


Niddah and mikavot

Niddah Mikveh and laws of family purity: An introduction

Niddah, Mikveh, and how the laws changed over time

When is it safe to use a communal mikvah?

Mikvah alternatives during an emergency situation





Bioethics/Medical ethics

Opioids, pain control and suicide

No religious exemptions for state-mandated immunizations


Special topics


Annulment of marriage

Solutions to the mamzer (illegitimate child) issue

How We Decide Jewish Law: Committee on Jewish Law and Standards

Non-Jews in Jewish law today


While you’re here, join our Facebook havurah, Coffeehouse Torah Talk or read our articles on Jewish ethics,  HalakhahholidaysKashrut (keeping kosher) , Lifecycle eventsMishnah and Talmud studybeliefs in JudaismTefila (prayer)Torah studyTanakh (bible)fighting antisemitism, and Zionism.


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